E-BOOK 1 페이지 | (주)아이비에스
(주)아이비에스 E-BOOK
powerful partners in the smart era.

Delivering the best value to customers.

IBS creates value for customers with leading technology and know-how, leading the production information division in the manufacturing sector.
Total 3건 1 페이지
게시물 검색
Company introduction Management ideology CEO greetings Corporate culture
Company name: IBS Inc.
Address: Unit 513, 187, Techno 2-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
(Block B Migun Techno World 2-cha, Yongsan-dong)
TEL : +82 42-671-9100
FAX : +82 42-671-9400
E-MAIL : ibsbbs@ibslab.com